FPS option for Steam (up to 9999 FPS) and fixed mechanics regardless of FPS. A multiplayer mode (known as Versus Mode) with a chatroom.
A new shop, with a name yet to be confirmed. Another using a song created by MDK with a currently unrevealed name (referred to as the "secret song" by both RobTop and MDK, known as Dash in the datamined files of Geometry Dash Lite which is likely a placeholder). One confirmed to be called 'Explorers', using the song of the same name by Hinkik. New, currently finished game mode with a name yet to be formally confirmed. Electroman is a good platform game and anyone who likes platform games should definitely give it a try. The part where there is background is the title screen, the last level, and the end credit screen. The surprising thing about this game is that there is no background sound in most part of the game. You have to perfect the timing of your jumps. This makes it much harder and poses a challenge to the player to defeat the enemies who are above, below and in front of the player. The player will fall at a given angle only. The player can jump but you cannot control his jump in mid-air like other platform games. The checkpoint has its own disadvantage as it removes all the weapons you had collected leaving you completely unarmed. However, the already collected microchips stay with you. The difficulty level is pretty good and every time you die, you are taken back to the previous checkpoint.
In all these level, there are 3 microchips which are to be collected to proceed to the next level. The weapon power-ups enable the gun to regain its firepower.Įlectroman consists of 8 levels in total. Obtaining power-ups is essential because your guns can go up to the point of no shooting at all. Using Teleporters and shooting laser at the enemies, collecting weapons and power-ups.
You are the main character, Jacek, the electroman who you have to guide through the levels. It is a platform, sci-fi and futuristic theme based game. Electroman, the game was developed by xland games.